Diamonds are a girl's bestfriend
Diamonds Anatomy

Diamonds Anatomy

The 4Cs of buying a diamond

The diamond is outstanding in its rareness and exceptional sparkle. A symbol of purity, it evokes eternal love above all
A timeless stone, the diamond never goes out of style
It is defined by the four major “4C” criteria, these play an essential role in measuring the quality of the gemstone:
cut, color, clarity, and carat

A diamond’s cut is chosen according to the stone’s original shape, dimensions, and inclusions
Cut – refers to how a diamond’s facets interact with light. It is determined by symmetry, proportion, and polish. The round brilliant cut is the classic shape for the engagement diamond. But there are other cuts, each with its character: the marquise, the oval, the pear, the emerald, and the heart cut
Most of the shapes have 58 facets
These cuts have been designed to maximize the reflection of light on the stone’s facets
This way, the diamond shines and sparkles at its best

Clarity defines the capacity of light to shine through a stone without any impediment or obstacle
To evaluate a diamond’s clarity, one must define the number and position of the stone’s inclusions. Inclusions are structural elements that have occurred during the stone’s formation and affect its homogeneity. They come in the shape of a crystal or solid body, a dot or cloud…
Diamond clarity is graded by an international classification that ranges from IF to SI

The color of a diamond is measured by an international grading system defined by the Gemological Institute of America and ranging from D to Z. A D color diamond is perfectly colorless whereas a Z color diamond is slightly yellow, making it dull and lifeless
Although white is the most frequent, there are +300 different colors of diamonds: these are called “fancy” diamonds
It is thought that there is one fancy color diamond for every 10000th near colorless diamond: as they are rare, these diamonds are considered to be miracles of Nature and are extremely sought after

The carat is the standard measure used to give the weight of precious stones, including diamonds
One carat is worth 0.2 grams
The carat weight indicates the size of the stone but cannot be used alone to give a stone’s value: the three criteria described beforehand must also be taken into account
How to Clean Your Diamond Ring

The best way to clean diamond rings is to make a solution with warm water and dishwashing soap
Soak your ring for about 20 to 40 minutes, gently brush the stone with a very soft toothbrush, and then rinse under warm running water